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Injection Provider ✨ (v0.5.0+)

Obtaining the current node's context can be quite cumbersome when there is a Context/Provider present. While using useOverlayHolder requires placing the holder in the node, a global Provider can inherit the context from the node and render all pop-ups in bulk.

Therefore, we provide the following components and hooks support:

import { OverlaysProvider } from '@overlastic/react'

function Main() {
  return (
      <App />

export default Main

Use any Overlay Component on the page with useOverlayInject:

import { useOverlayInject } from '@overlastic/react'
import CustomDialog from './Dialog.tsx'

function Page() {
  const openDialog = useOverlayInject(CustomDialog)

  async function onClick() {
    const resolved = await openDialog({ title: 'My Title' })

  return (
    <button onClick={onClick}>
      Open Modal

export default Page

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